Terms & Conditions 條款及細則
- Art Piece is a platform where customers can choose and participate in a variety of beauty, spa, and fitness classes provided by Art Piece or our partner third-party suppliers.
Art Piece 是一個平台,使客戶可以選購或參與Art Piece或我們合作的第三方供應商所提供的各種美容、水療和健身課程。
- To schedule or book a class or treatment, please reserve through an authorized third-party booking platform (e.g., Mindbody Apps) or contact Art Piece’s front desk directly for booking or purchasing. Class seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
如需安排及使用課程或療程,請透過授權的第三方預約平台(如Mindbody Apps) 預約,或直接聯絡Art Piece前台職員進行預約或購買。課堂人數有限,先到先得。
- You must register as an Art Piece member before using services or making purchases. By registering, you declare (and we have the right to rely on this declaration) that you are at least 16 years old and capable of entering into a legally binding contract, and you agree to the relevant terms for direct marketing. If you are under 16, please obtain parental consent before purchasing classes or treatments.
閣下須於使用服務或選購時先註冊Art Piece會員。透過註冊,即表示閣下聲明(而我們有權據此依賴有關聲明)已年滿16歲,並具有簽訂具法律約束力合約的能力,並同意市場推廣的相關細則。如閣下未滿16歲,選購課程或療程須先獲得家長同意。
- If a customer wishes to change or cancel a confirmed appointment, please notify Art Piece or the relevant third-party supplier at least 24 hours before the class or treatment. Otherwise, the full fee for the service will be charged. Absences or being more than 15 minutes late may result in the service being marked as used.
客戶如欲更改或取消已經確認的預約,請於課堂 / 療程前24小時通知Art Piece或該第三方供應商,否則將扣除全額費用。缺席或遲到15分鐘將視作已使用該次服務。
- If a specific therapist, masseur, or class is required, Art Piece will contact the service provider as per the customer’s request, but the final decision rests with the service provider.
如需指定治療師 / 按摩師 / 課程,Art Piece將根據要求聯絡服務供應商戶,最終決定權由服務供應商確認。
- Art Piece reserves the right to modify the schedule and timetable for all classes or activities.
Art Piece保留更改所有課程或活動時間表的權利
- Customers must arrive at the check-in location at least 15 minutes before their scheduled class or treatment. Please allow time to use the changing room and lockers to store personal belongings.
客戶須於預約時間前15分鐘到達課堂 / 療程接待處登記,並預留時間使用更衣室及儲存個人物品。
- Art Piece and its third-party suppliers are not responsible for any loss or damage to customers' personal property, regardless of the circumstances. We recommend that customers take care of their valuables, as we will not be liable for any losses.
不論任何情況,Art Piece及其第三方供應商對於客戶個人財物的損壞或遺失概不負責。建議客戶自行保管貴重物品,不承擔任何責任。
- If you have any medical conditions or experience any of the following: pregnancy, heart disease, asthma, skin disease, cold, allergies, fever, blood conditions, abnormal blood pressure, epilepsy, recent medication use, heart pacemaker, metal implants, or other medical issues, please inform Art Piece staff before each class or treatment so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
如有任何疾病或出現下列身體狀況:懷孕、心臟病、哮喘、皮膚病、感冒、敏感、發燒、血有病、血壓異常、羊癇症、服藥後、心臟起搏器或其他體內裝有之金屬物質或其他病狀,請於每次課堂 / 療程前告知Art Piece職員,以便為客戶作出適當安排。
- Once confirmed and paid for, purchased classes or treatments cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded.
客戶已選購的課堂 / 療程等服務,一經確認及付款,恕不接受轉讓他人使用、替換或退款。
- All sales content is based on what is listed in the invoice.
- You understand that content on the platform may be provided by third-party suppliers, and you agree that we do not make any representations or warranties regarding its accuracy and will not be responsible for any third-party content provided.
- The above policies are subject to the terms of Art Piece or our partner third-party suppliers. Please consult Art Piece staff, the Service Provider, or refer to the latest version of the terms and conditions for details, subject to the class or treatment you have purchased or booked. Art Piece reserves all rights and has the absolute discretion to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. The amended terms and conditions take effect from the date they are published on our site. Your continued use of Art Piece’s services constitutes your acceptance of the latest version of these terms and conditions. Details can be found at https://artpiecehk.com/pages/general-terms-conditions.
以上政策受Art Piece或我們的第三方合作供應商的條款所約束,視乎閣下已購買或預訂的課堂或療程而定。詳情請諮詢Art Piece員工、服務提供者,或參閱最新版本的條款及細則。Art Piece保留一切權利,並擁有絕對酌情權可隨時及不定時修改或更新本條款及細則,且無須提前通知。修改後的條款及細則由發佈日開始生效。閣下持續使用Art Piece的服務,即視為閣下同意接受本條款及細則的最新版本。詳情可參閱https://artpiecehk.com/pages/general-terms-conditions。